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비트코인 Bitcoin175

2021.3.9 Bitcoin 최근 이익 후 $50,000 이상으로 거래 Bitcoin Trades North Of $50,000 After Latest Gains Charles Bovaird Crypto & Blockchain 사진 삭제 Bitcoin rallied recently after falling below $50,000 yesterday. GETTY Bitcoin prices have rallied over the last few days, coming close to $55,000 and then retracing slightly, managing to keep most of their latest gains. 비트코인 가격은 지난 며칠 동안 반등하여 55,000달러에 가까워졌다가 약간 되돌아가서 최신 수익을 대부분 유지했습니다. CoinDesk 데이터에 따르면.. 2021. 3. 10.
2021.3.10, 5일째 비트코인 이익, 올해 가장 긴 행진 Market Wrap: Bitcoin Gains for Fifth Day, the Longest Streak This Year 사진 삭제 사진 설명을 입력하세요. Muyao Shen Wed, March 10, 2021, 6:39 AM Bitcoin (BTC) trading around $54,368.84 as of 21:00 UTC (4 p.m. ET). 비트코인 (BTC)은 21:00 UTC (미국동부 표준시 오후 4시) 기준으로 약 54,368.84달러에 거래됩니다. 지난 24시간 동안 5.02% 상승했습니다. Climbing 5.02% over the previous 24 hours. Bitcoin’s 24-hour range: $51,428.66-$54,813.03 (CoinDesk 20) BTC.. 2021. 3. 10.
2021.3.9 오늘 Apple, Facebook, Square, 기타 성장주가 오른 이유 Why Shares of Apple, Facebook, Square, and Other Growth Stocks Popped Today Bargain hunters came out in force. 바게인 사냥꾼이 나왔다. Joe Tenebruso Mar 9, 2021 at 5:55PM What happened After a brutal decline, tech stocks rebounded on Tuesday. By the close of trading, shares of Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL), Facebook (NASDAQ:FB), and Square (NYSE:SQ) were up 4.1%, 4.1%, and 11.5%, respectively. Many other high-growt.. 2021. 3. 10.
Nio와 XPeng은 잊어버리십시오. 폭스바겐과 테슬라가 2025년까지 2대 전기차 회사가 될 것입니다, UBS Forget Nio and XPeng. This company and Tesla will be the top two electric-vehicle plays by 2025, says UBS. Published: March 9, 2021 at 4:00 p.m. ET By Jack Denton Tesla leads in a few critical technical areas, including software and ‘ruthless engineering’ Tesla는 소프트웨어 및 '무자비한 엔지니어링' 등 몇 가지 중요한 기술 분야에서 선두를 달리고 있습니다. 사진 삭제 Tesla still leads Volkswagen technically in a few critical areas, UBS says... 2021. 3. 10.
2021.3.9 미국 주식시장 기술주 단계 반등, 나스닥 11월 이후 최대 상승 Stock market news live updates: Tech stocks stage rebound, Nasdaq jumps by most since November Emily McCormick·Reporter Wed, March 10, 2021, 6:05 AM Stocks jumped on Tuesday and technology stocks resurged after another session of deep losses. The Dow extended Monday's gains, but trailed the S&P 500 and Nasdaq. 화요일 주가는 급등했고 기술 주가는 또 다른 세션에서 큰 손실을 보인 후 부활했습니다. 다우 지수는 월요일 상승세를 연장했지만 S&P 500과 나스닥에 뒤.. 2021. 3. 10.
미국정부, 현재 가격으로 38,000달러 상당의 비트코인 0.7501 판매 U.S. Government to Sell 0.7501 Bitcoin Worth $38,000 at Current Prices Matthew Leising Tue, March 9, 2021, 2:33 AM ​ (Bloomberg) -- ​ Tucked away among the Ford, Dodge and Chevy sedans, the 12,000-gallon storage container and the inoperable Caterpillar tractor being auctioned off by the U.S. government is an unusual item: 0.7501 of a Bitcoin. Ford, Dodge, Chevy 세단 사이에 자리잡은 12,000갤런 저장 컨테이너와 작동불가.. 2021. 3. 10.