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When Do You Use “Who” vs. “Whom”? 언제 "Who"와 "Whom"를 사용합니까?

by 노화방지 Anti-aging Hairstyle 2021. 1. 3.


When Do You Use “Who” vs. “Whom”?

언제 "Who" "Whom" 사용합니까?


In short, whom is the object form of the

pronoun who.

요컨대, whom 대명사 who  목적형입니다.


Let’s have some examples to spell it out.

이를 설명하는  가지 예를 살펴 보겠습니다.


Over the last 200 years, the pronoun whom

has been on a steady decline.

지난 200 동안, 대명사 whom 꾸준히




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Despite its waning use in speech and ongoing

speculation about its imminent extinction,

whom still holds a spot in the English language,

particularly in formal writing.

사용이 줄어들고  사라질 것이라는 지속적 추측에도

불구하고, 여전히 whom은 영어에서 사용되고 있습니다.


Understanding when and how to use this

pronoun can set your writing apart.

 대명사 whom을 언제 어떻게 사용하는지

알면 쉽게 작문할  있습니다.


If whom is on the decline, then who must be

growing in popularity.

Whom 쇠퇴하고 있다면, who 인기가 높아야 합니다.


영어 수업에서 배웠겠지만,  둘은 서로

관련있고 서로 바꿔서 사용할  있습니다.

The two—as you’ll recall from English class—

are related and may seem interchangeable.


그런데 정말 그런가요?

But are they really?


"Who"  “whom" 차이점은 무엇입니까?

“Who” vs. “whom,” what’s the difference?


Whom is often confused with who.

Whom who 종종 혼동됩니다.


Who is a subjective-case pronoun, meaning

it functions as a subject in a sentence, and

whom is an objective-case pronoun,

meaning it functions as an object in a sentence.

Who 문장에서 주어 역할을 하는 주격 대명사이고,

whom 목적어 역할을 하는 목적 대명사입니다.




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When to use “who”

"who" 사용하는 경우


Who, like I, he, she, we, and they, is used

as the subject of a sentence.

(I), (he), 그녀(she), 우리(we), 그들(they)

처럼 who 문장에서 주어로 사용됩니다.


That means it performs actions:

, who 동작을 수행합니다.


Who rescued the dog?

누가 개를 구했습니까?





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Who is doing the rescuing in the above sentence.

 문장에서 Who 개를 구조하는 사람입니다.


I’m not sure who called my name.

누가  이름을 불렀는지 모르겠습니다.


Do you know who baked this cake?

누가  케이크를 구웠는지 아세요?


When to use “whom”

"whom" 사용하는 경우


Whom is a little trickier.

Whom   까다롭습니다.


Like me, him, her, us, and them, whom

is the object of a verb or preposition.

나에게(me), 그에게(him), 그녀에게(her),

우리에게(us), 그들에게(them) 처럼,

Whom 동사 또는 전치사의 목적어입니다.


That means whom is acted on.

, 어떤 동작의 대상을 의미합니다.


Whom did you see?

누구를 보았습니까?


His grandchildren, whom he loves so much, are in town for a visit.

그가 너무나 사랑하는 그의 (손자들), 방문을 위해 시내에 왔습니다.


In the above sentence, whom is being loved here, not doing the loving.

 번째 문장에서, whom 사랑받고 있으며, 사랑하지 않습니다.


The cook, whom we just hired, failed to show up to work today.

우리가 방금 고용한 (요리사), 오늘 출근하지 못했습니다.


In the above examples, whom is being hired.

다른 예에서는 whom 고용되고 있습니다.


Whom is the direct object in all above sentences.

 문장 모두에서, whom 직접 목적어입니다.


대표사진 삭제

사진 설명을 입력하세요.



Take a look at these sentences:

다음 문장을 살펴보십시오.


She gave whom the package?

그녀는 누구에게 패키지를 줬나요?


Whom should I call first?

누구에게 먼저 전화할까요?


My brother doesn’t remember whom he e-mailed the questions.

 동생은, 누구에게 질문을 이메일로 보냈는지 기억하지 못합니다.


In these sentences, whom functions as an indirect object.

이들 문장에서 whom 간접 목적어로 작동합니다.


For example, the package was given to someone.

It was given to whom.

예를 들어, 패키지가 누군가에게 주어졌습니다.

whom에게 주어진 것입니다.


Whom also commonly appears when it follows

a preposition, as in the salutation

“To whom it may concern.”

Whom "이와 관련있는 사람 (To whom it may concern)"

이라는 인사말에서 처럼, 전치사 뒤에도 나타납니다.


When in doubt, substitute him and see

if that sounds right.

확실하지 않은 경우, whom 자리에 him

대체한 다음 맞는지 확인하세요.


If him is OK, then whom is OK.

Him 괜찮다면 whom 괜찮습니다.


If the more natural substitute is he,

then go with who.

 문장에서 him보다 he  자연스럽다면

whom 대신 who 맞는 것입니다.


For example: You talked to who/whom?

: who/whom에게 말했습니까?


It would be incorrect to say,

“You talked to he?”,

but saying, “You talked to him?”

makes grammatical sense.

“You talked to he?” 라고 말하는 것은

잘못된 것이고, “You talked to him?”

라고 말하는 것이 문법적으로 맞습니다.


So you would ask, “You talked to whom?”

그래서 당신은 "누구에게 말했습니까?"라고

물을 것입니다.


All of that said, in informal speech and

writing, speakers will often opt for who

where whom has traditionally been used.

, 비공식 연설과 작문에서, 연사는 whom

사용되는 곳에서 who 선택하곤 합니다.


This choice sounds more natural and less

formal to most native English speakers.

 선택은 대부분의 영어 원어민에게 보다

자연스럽고  형식적으로 들립니다.




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